Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving, Holidays and Home

 The above picture is of one of Haji's kids, Sonya. She is a spoiled brat of a two year old but she is really really adorable. This is a prime example of this strange habit I have discovered of giving tea to children. Babies even. Who does that? The poor thing will have no teeth left if they continue giving her tea with sugar. Yes I understand the soporific effects of hot liquid, but tea has caffeine!
 My Thanksgiving was rather sad and depressing, but there was pie! And brown sugar! Must celebrate the small victories in life. Note, this was baked in a mixing bowel as I hadn't yet found any pie plates. (Not ideal just so you know) I just acquired pie plates and I am incredibly happy about that fact. Now quiche is on the menu. I managed to give myself a wicked burn on my arm while I was baking this sucker. War wounds I tell you, war wounds.
 This is my "kitchen" such as it is. I have a refrigerator, cupboards, a microwave/convection oven and a two burner electric "stove". Makes cooking an adventure to be sure. But I manage and I would rather have something then nothing. Especially because I'm pretty sure everything and it's mother is cooked with a great deal of oil in Kurdish cooking. My arteries would be clogged in six months.
 These two pictures are of my lovely bedroom. Note that I can seat 10 people in there. That in and of itself is a bit odd, but what really get's me is the combination of pink walls and orange furniture. I try not to think about that.

Last but not least, is my office space. My cubicle is where I spend most of my time. Note the little electric heater at my feet. This has become essential and Kak Sa'adoon is now one of my favorite office people for providing me with it. Toasty feet = yay! I have started collecting Kinder egg toys to put on my desk to give me something to fiddle with as I wait for my emails to come. The guys in the office seem fascinated with them. I guess they are as easily entertained as I am.

The house I live in is an incredibly odd mixture of opulence and skinflintedness (to create a word). The floors are marble but they are covered in cheap, badly cut carpet. They have a maid but give her the dinkiest amount of cleaning supplies I have ever seen to keep the house clean. I guess I'll get used to the dichotomy soon but man, it's just kind of bizarre.

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